The Story of the sad cat

the story of  sad cat "luho"


Sadness, depression, frowning, a sense of oppression and humiliation are all qualities that we thought belonged to humans alone, or known about their unfortunate attitudes that they were going through in life, but the truth is that the cat "Luho" came with its bleak and miserable features to change the world around her and draw our attention to the fact that the animal also has feelings and feelings, Just as he feels hungry and sleeps, he also feels sad sometimes.

The pictures of the cat "Luho" recently took over the communication site "Instagram" and had followers from all over the world because of her sad expression that expresses her depression, feeling of injustice and dissatisfaction with daily situations that she lives, as the tears did not leave her eyes even in one picture, and the oppression that she paints on the features Her face made her a distinctive cat because she was the only one who could express her feelings.

But the question remained: Why is that cat crying? What is the reason behind her sadness? Indeed, the "Board Panda" website published the details of the cat's continuous crying, according to the owners' words from Beijing.

It is a soft-tempered cat who loves its owners greatly and is very jealous of them because they raise another group of cats and pamper them sometimes because they are the most active and lively, which drives it to sit on the side and cry and look at them in this miserable way.

And because she is a strange cat who can express herself, they began to publish her pictures on Instagram to take the title of the cat who cried on social media, and the number of her followers increases by hundreds every day. The story of the sad cat Luho
